The Numerary Cliffs

The Numerary Cliffs

September 2022
Square Steurs – St Josse
The sculpture ‘Les Falaises Numéraires’ expresses the materialisation of numbers in steel. The numbers can take on different forms thanks to the graphics.

The sculpture is made up of 81 T-shaped sections, with a straight back face and a randomly cut front face. In plan, the succession of T-shaped elements forms a candlestick graph. In perspective, the rear faces resemble bar graphs. The random cut-outs on the front can be interpreted as line graphs if we imagine that the X axis is parallel to the random cut-out and the Y axis is perpendicular to it.

The sculpture is both gentle in its curves and aggressive in its slats. It speaks of the ‘effort’ of our time to create numbers in a frantic quest for growth, without taking into account the consequences they have on our existence. These ‘consequences’ take the form of cliffs cut into slats for visitors to venture into.

Thanks to Gérard Dejardin, Francis and Grégory from Melens & Dejardin.